Wednesday 6 March 2013

music as a journey ♥

I actually don’t know how the notion of a journey is defined, or whether there is an exact definition for travelling. When Wikipedia’s definition of a journey is “An act of travelling from one place to another”, then Festivals definitely are a voyage. In addition it has, at least for me, the same effects as a standard holiday, namely: relaxing, enjoying the sun, distracting myself from work/uni, having people around me I like and of course listening to music. The extra plus when being at a Festival is listening to LIVE MUSIC!
 I always loved concerts and hopefully always will. My mum once took my sister and me to a concert (it was Eros Ramazzotti haha, he was pretty good though) and since then we continued going to concerts together. I think this is the main reason why I’m totally in love with watching people perform live. I’ve been to 4 Festivals so far and to millions of concerts; I actually stopped counting and keeping the concert tickets. My first Festival was Nova Rock 2009, and yeah I was really young at that time, actually 14, that’s why my father accompanied my sister and me.
My first impression of Nova Rock was better than expected, because many people warned me that I would encounter some really drunk and aggressive people and well, I met loads of drunken people but no aggressive ones. The weather was another warning. Nova Rock takes place in July and I think it is raining at Nova Rock every year, at least for one day. The effects of it… well, you could guess haha – mud everywhere! But as you can see, nobody really cares and just makes the best out of it J. (the first picture was in the Austrian newspaper with the heading “Wellington boots instead of bikini” ha; the others I took myself)


However the weather was, nothing really changed and the atmosphere remained the same. The only bad thing that can happen because of bad weather is that a band cancels their concert due to bad conditions. And as you can imagine I was really sad as Sum 41 weren’t able to play because of thunderstorms L.
Anyway, when everything’s fine then a Festival guarantees me the best 3 days of the year!

Whether you’re standing in between thousands of people, dancing, or simply sitting in the grass and relaxing a bit, the best thing is to feel the music. Getting goose bumps all over my body, cheering in pleasure and simply enjoying the concerts are things I really like!
 I’m fascinated by bands that are live actually better than in studio. Bands like Foo Fighters, Rise Against, The Kooks, Muse, 30 Seconds to Mars, Pink, Eros Ramazzotti ;) haha, etc. When it comes to the question what my favourite concert was, my answer is Foo Fighters! Dave Grohl, the lead vocalist, is my absolute hero. He was perfect as a drummer in the band Nirvana but he is impressive as a vocalist now!


 I could write and talk about festivals and concerts and about how much I’m in love with them all day long, but it’s really late now so I’m stopping it here. But don’t worry, there are going to be many many more posts about music soon :D
Here’s a live video of Foo Fighters I filmed 2011. (I’m sorry for my filming, usually I’m really good at it haha) 

Hope you enjoy it J

And always remember: you can't overdose on music ;)

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