Wednesday 6 March 2013

are you against discrimination? then support this young girl!

Last week I saw this video on Ellen DeGeneres' show having an 11-year-old girl there, called Caroline Pla. This amazing girl plays football since she's 5 years old, having been inspired by her brother. She loves playing football so so much, but out of a sudden an outdated rule says “boys only!”. In my opinion this is not only discrimination against girls playing football but it’s also really unfair, because she became friends and even family with her teammates. Personally speaking, kicking Caroline out of her football team because of this new dumb rule makes me angry.


As you can see, she needs 75.000 people signing her petition so that she’s allowed to stay in the team, being able to continue living her dream. She ‘only’ needs 2,321, so don’t wait and help supporting her!

Share this link and not only help Caroline Pla, but help stopping discrimination in general!!

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