Sunday 19 May 2013

An untypical Easter tradition

I think most people have a typical image of Easter, namely spending the day with their families and friends, maybe attending a church and receiving presents and gifts in form of Easter eggs and stuff. In Slovakia instead it’s a little bit different than in Austria and Ireland for example. As it’s likely that you are going to think it’s absolutely crazy, I would be interested in your opinion on this. So just let me know :)

As most Slovakian people are Christians, they celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection as well, but just in a more uncommon way. I’m going to tell you about my experience, which was actually more surprising than I thought it would be. I knew that the typical tradition is that boys and men splash some water in women’s faces or even go to stranger’s houses with a bucket filled with cold water and pour it over women.  That’s not really nice, is it? But that was just the beginning. In addition they spank women with a kind of birch made out of wood with strips of cloth tied on it and everytime they get to spank a woman, she has to tie a new strip of cloth on his birch. You might think now that women are a bit disadvantaged, but don’t worry - they do something in return. They need to give the men chocolate eggs. Isn’t that lovely? Hahah

Well, that’s what normally happens. However, in my case it was all still a bit crazier. The doorbell was ringing and I went to open the door. Neighbors were at the door and while one of them took my hands and the other one my legs, they put me under the shower and showered me with all my clothes on. I had never thought that your clothes get so much heavier when they are wet haha

I kind of like this tradition because it’s really not something typical that you see in everyday life. In Slovakia it’s also not common to exchange presents. The aim of it is to spend the day together and to enjoy the tradition.
So if you have planned to ever visit Slovakia and to experience something really traditional, then I recommend you to go to Slovakia in the Easter breaks :D

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